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Why is a Bike Lane Okay

for Manhattan but not Sunset Park?

NYC DOT told us that 4th Avenue was not wide enough for a bike lane.

But now on their own website they are studying one

for 6th Avenue in Manhattan

and we have more space than they do.  

Check it out for yourself

Do the math for yourself:

In Manhattan DOT says: 6' for bikes, 3' for buffer, 8' for parking

In Sunset if we take the 13' parking lane and make it 8'

we would have 5' extra.

In Sunset if we keep the median in the center at 11' and not add 4'

we could add that 4' to the 5' and have what we need.



We are not saying that DOT must do this.

We are just saying show us respect and do the math - do a study.


Had DOT lied to us before?  YES


1. Their study data for changing 4th Ave was done with little data collection.

2. They told us they didn't want bikes on 4th - it was to dangerous.

3. We found out that DOT had 4th Ave listed on their bike map.

4. We believe they put us on the map

to get Federal "bike" money for other uses.

5. When the speed limit became 25mph we asked when will the new signs go up and we were told they would NOT put them up.

6. When we put up our own 25mph signs they changed their story

and put up signs - they said it was a mistake.

7.  When we found out that the 2015 DOT bike map now said

Sunset Park was a bike route with signage - we asked where are the signs?

They quickly then added a few signs.

8. When our Assemblyman & State Senator agreed to meet with the commissioner in Sunset Park DOT said they would show up.

But at the last minute the Commissioner said she was called away for an emergency.  But when we filed a Freedom of Information request for her calender for that day, we found out we were not on the schedule.

DOT lied to our elected officials.

9. They said that 4th Ave was now safer, but we went over 500 NYPD accident reports and found that more accidents happend on 4th in 2014 than ever before.  We had one reportable accident every other day on a straight road that is only 2.5 miles long with traffic lights every 200'.

Someone is lying to us.


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