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I humbly ask that a special blessing be upon the following Sunset Parkers who do not live in fear of immigrants, who embrace those of us who are vulnerable and in need of help.  You are the few good people upon whose shoulders rests the morality and salvation of a generation.  Thank you.



Aixa Cruz-Saez

Albee Y Juddy Sanchez Albee Sanchez

Albert Crockenberg

Alexandria Mendez

Alexandria Mendez Alexandria Mendez

Alice Leesha My support! Alice Leesha

Amy Silverman Amy Silverman

Ana Martinez Ana Martinez

Ana Rodriguez This is too sad

Ann McCarthy Ann McCarthy

Anthony Velazquez Anthony and 53 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Sunset Parker. you have my signature, Anthony Velazquez

Barbara Allen Habib Barbara Barbara Allen Habib signed!

Barbara Vyskoc Crespo

Betzy Plaza Luis Plaza

Brenda Garcia-dejesus Consider this petition signed

Carmen Acaba

Carmen Crespo

Carmen Lydia Quinones Amen

Carmen Serrano Carmen Serrano

Charlotte Militano Charlotte Militano I don't mind supporting the gentleman I don't like the way it was asked for!

Chris Bklyn Chris Bklyn

Christine Clark Christine Christine Clark

Claudia Juliana Claudia Juliana

Claudia Lechuga

Cristina Ruiz Diaz Cristina Diaz

Crystal Rosario Consider this petition signed... Crystal Rosario

Cynthia Gonzalez

Dalma Mariles Dalma Mariles

Deborah Mercado What has happened to America!? My grandfather was here illegally from Scotland. So when immigration caught up to him and discovered he had a wife and children they allowed him to stay because of that. America needs to reevaluate it's policy because they are doing more harm then good to people and their families! Donald Chump needs to GO!

Debra Ann I wholeheartedly agree...Debra Gonzalez

Denise Rivera

Diana Soto Orengo Diana Soto Orengo

Dominga Amigon Dominga Amigon

Donna Conanan Huse

Donna Duminski Donna Duminski signed...

Donna Mamolite-Smith Signed Donna Smith

Dorothy Velazquez Rios He should stay in the USA with his family.

Edy Radios This is not fair.let him snd his family stay here.

Eileen Romeo I'm happy to sign. Just heard this story on the sad!!!

Elena Medina Elena Medina

Elizabeth Gonzalez You have my signature . He should be allowed to stay and keep the family together.

Emmy Jean

Esther Widgren

Evelyn Ramos Evelyn Ramos

Evelyn Reyes Torres

Fabian Guzman Fabian Guzman

Fabian Remache Agree.

Gail Hernandez Gail Hernandez

Gene Speroni Sad that this should happen

George Barreto

George Cheng Here here

Geri Loizzo Geri

Geri Loughery Geri Loughery

Gloria Hernandez

Gloria Nieves Gloria Nieves

Gloria Weber Not fare to retain a hard working father by ICE. I signed this petition to have him return to his family in Sunset Park. Gloria Weber

Hector Santiago Hector I fully agree with this post. I also agree that this response be counted as a signature to said petition

Ian Scott Horst thank you Tony

Isabel Morales I called kisten Gillibrand office she supports bringing Pablo back??

Janet Dalton Janet Dalton

Janette Rodriguez Janette Rodriguez

Janie Janie

Jennifer CanavanJennifer Agree!

Jessica Smiley Giordano Jessica Smiley Giordano

Jessie Hann Consider this my signature. And thank you!

Joe Vasquez You got my signature

Joey Colon Joey colon let him stay

John Olof Delin Signed.

Jose Petehb Alicea Add my signature JOSE Alicea.

Joseph Militano Joseph Joseph Militano

Juan Cobos

Juan Collazo Put mine in to let him stay in the usa thi my signiture Juan a collazo

Judy Varela Santiago Support

Julie Bonastre-Mendez Julie Bonastre-Mendez

June Cressy this is my comment of agreement with the petition Tony Giordano has posted here. I am one of ten thousand.

Karen Karlsen Signed karen karlsen

Kathleen Gunn Me too!

Kimberly Tapia Kimberly Tapia

Linda Carattini Linda Carattini

Linda John Support here. We also need to find the missing children snatched from their parents.

Linda Krekey Linda Linda Krekey I'm so ashamed of all that's going on now. There has to be compassion and understanding in any immigration laws. What this administration is doing feels more like spite, vengeance and cold heartedness than an immigration policy based on anything that's good for the country or immigrants.

Linda Phant My support.

Liu Ru


Lucia Velez Lucia Lucia Vélez

Luisa Chakir Signed Luisa Chakir

Luz Mercado Vientos Amen

Lynn TondrickLynn Signed lynn tondrick

Maggie Laly Hernandez

Margaret Ann Where do I sign, this is not fair. He is not a criminal.

Marge Egan

Margie Ramirez

Maria Elena Garcia The detention of Pablo Villavicencio is a disgrace

Maria Lemosramos Maria T Lemos-Ramos

Maribel Vasquez Maribel Vasquez

Marie Davis Marie Hammerstein

Marie Vazquez Marie Vazquez

Marilyn Lugo

Marion Palm

Maritza Peralta Maritza Peralta

Martha Echevarria Martha Echevarria

Martha Minchala Martha Minchala

Martha Velez Signed Martha Velez

Mary Todisco I fully agree with this post.

MaryAnne Koppinger

Melissa Mittenzwei Melissa Mittenzwei

Merlyn Comas Merlyn Comas

Michele Stormer Michele Stormer

Mickie Ruiz Signed, sealed, and delivered my signature...Mickie Ruiz.

Mildred Pena Mildred Pena

Miriam Feliciano My support!!!

Miriam Torres Javier torres support you

Miriam Torres My support

Nan Muniz

Naomi Soto

Natasha A Valle Signed Natasha A. Valle

Nathali ZamoraNathali Nathali Zamora

Nathan Sheard Nathan Sheard

Nereida Yournet Consider this my signature.

Nick Vlismas Signed Nick Vlismas.

Nora Martinez Nora Martinez

Ofelia Del Valle Ofelia Del Valle

Pilly Quiles-Galarza Pilly Quiles-Galarza

Raj Sindha Raj Sindha

Renee Toni Giordano Renee This is an outrage and blemish on our country. He has been a hard-working resident here, has an American wife and children. He trusted the government here when he got his Municipal ID, (as so many of us did), and now he is getting punished. We elected you to protect all of us, now do that! Renee Toni Giordano

Rob AguilarRob Rob Aguilar.

Robert Gray Robert Gray

Rosa Flores Rosa Flores

Rosalinda Vazquez

Rosemary 'Cookie' Pira

Ruth Febres Ruth Febres

Ryan Rosa

Sammi Val Sammi val

Sana Azadian You can consider this my signature

Sandra Acevedo-Gonzales Sandra Acevedo-Gonzales

Sarah Pope Sarah Pope

Sheila K Hoban-Pisciotta

Sherry Lee Costello Sherry Costello

Shivram Baito Basant Shivram Baito Basant


Sunset Kathryn

Sylvia Gines Sylvia Gines

Terri Gorman Terri Gorman

Thomas Mittenzwei Thomas Mittenzwei

Tiffany Phoxphire Kelly Tiffany Kelly

Tom LyonsTom I offer my support in way of a signature and in any way possible to release this man and keep his family together. Thomas Lyons

Tom Vlismas Tom Vlismas

Tommy Shamu

Tony Giordano I pray that God blesses each of you who believe in true justice (not things our politicians write that hurt us rather than help us). I believe in God's power to make things right. I stand on that promise at this moment.

Um Noorildin Hamdan Gwendolen Hamdan in support of petition

Valerie Margaret Let him stay. Valerie Margaret.

Vee Jim Signed Veronica Jimenez

Vicky Velazquez I used to get stopped there every day by over zealous cops knowing that I was just going to drop off my son to day care. Some cops think they are the law over there.

Virginia Michaels I agree to add my signature. We (as working class Americans) have to stand up for each other.- he needs to be with his family.

Wanda Caban Wanda Caban                                              

William Moscoso William Moscoso

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