Bars & Taverns of Sunset Park
Thanks to your help, we now have a list of over 125 names bars of Sunset Park.
In addition we have locations without names of 20 more.
Some of these locations are probably for bars we have named. If you can match the location to a name, let me know.
I listed next to each bar or location the name of the person who mentioned it.
It is in the order in which you stepped forward.
Please review the list and make corrections if I made a typo or if you have something that you would like to add or delete.
I hope this will help to generate memories that you will share with us.
Feel free to message me by clicking on the "comment" button.
I will soon add the photos that you posted (and the many by Linda Krekey).
49th Street Tavern (5th & 49th) John Graham back in the 50s & 60s;
52nd Street Cafe (5202 4th Ave)
A. Pedersen (4223 2nd Ave)
Andy's (7th & 53rd) James Buckenberger; John Graham;
Angelo Bruschi (3902 3rd Ave)
Barnard's (7th & 50th) John Graham; Joann Colonna Reilly;
Barry's (4th & 45th 4417) Thomas Campbell; Linda Krekey picture; James Ward; Florence Grace Berg my father & uncle used to hang out in that bar
Base Tavern (5201 2nd Ave);
Beau Brummel (5th & 57th-58th) Emily Flynn; Melanie Kane; John Graham;
Bilbo Baggins (8th & 53rd) Karl Brown; Lillian Ledahl; William Martinez; Johnny Principe earlier was the Night Cap; Luis Inca
Ramos says it was at 7th & 56th;
Bird Cage (5th & 54th) Gloria Anne Shea; Lillian Ledahl; Michele Mackie my parents owned it in the late 70's; Linda Puleo-Kaufmann;
Blake's Fionnula Rutherford
Bottoms Up (8th & 54th) Tina Ruis it was previously Montie's; Rachel Tjornhom Barrett God, am I;
Brand's Bar & Grill (5802 4th Ave)
Cameron's (60th) Emily Flynn
Carl's Bar (8th & 56th) bartender Gloria
Carlson & Kallevig (5507 8th Ave)
Carrols Bar (5th & 53rd) Anthony DeRubbio; Joseph Militano; Lillian Ledhal;
Cassidy (3rd & 45th) Thomas Campbell; long time ago my father hung out there; Thomas Campbell I remember when I was a
kid on Saturday mornings going here to shine shoes. It was 25 cents a shine. All my father's friends hung out there.
Chat Away (4th-3rd & 36th) Joseph Militano; Luis Inca Ramos;
Chubby's (5th & 45th) Doris Panesidi; Judy Muscarella's dad's favorite hangout, owned by his cousin; Mary Gregory; Linda
Krekey i remember that one. A nice crowd hungout there. There was also a door on the side, up from 45th Street that I remember usually being open in the nice weather.
Clancy's (8th & 58th) Sharon Cesario;
Coliseum (4th & 53rd) now Chinese fast food on corner Luis Inca Ramos; Joseph Militano;
Conlin's Bar & Grill (5401 5th Ave)
Cooney's (5th & 40th) Florence Grace Berg; Joseph Militano;
Crazy Country Club (7th & 63rd) Barney Cassidy; Linda Krekey picture; Tom Mare; Nona Pauline Marrone my mom & dad used to go there to see the shows, they saw the Platters there; John Graham Warm Beer & Lousy Food; Liz Perez Federico;
Dalton's (4th & 45th) Thomas Campbell
Daniel Barry (4417 4th Ave)
Deerhead (8th & 55th) Lillian Ledahl; Bunny Matheny; Tina Ruiz;
Delco (3rd & 52nd) Denise Toro;
Delray (8th & 49th) James Buckenberger; John Graham;
Dew Drop Inn (8th & 57th) Joann Colonna Reilly; Linda Krekey picture;
Dog House (4th & 61st-62nd) Tara Oliver-Justiniano's grandmother owned it and sold it to her grandfather.
Dolan's (4th & 57th) Emily Flynn
Double Nickel (8th & 55th-56th) Fionnula Rutherford; Lisa Ballenger; Jessica Dawn Remembers when she was a kid and her mom would go here;
Doyle's (8th & 55th-56th) Tommy Smith my father was a bartender here. It became an antique stoe and the Double Nickel opened next door;
Duck Inn (5th across from Greenwood) Darnell Jones;
Duffy's (5th) Christina Lanes; Emmy Jean; She and her friends would go Christmas caroling in all the bars on both sides of 5th from 44th to the 60s. When they got home they would split the money. Fun Times. Anne Costello me and my friends (& cousin Mary Wade) would do this too;
Duffy's (8th & 60th) Sharon Cesario;
Dugout Fionnula Rutherford
Eddies Bar (5th & 49th) Margaret Tollesfsen Andersen's uncle was Eddie; another across the street; Benny Lombardo
Elbow Room (5th & 49th corner) Benny Lombardo; Carol Gregorio there were two or three bars on every block back then; Linda Costagliola my mom said it was there and that my grandfather used to go there a lot; Linda Krekey; Russ Cooper it became Rosemary's a guy I knew from 49th was killed there in the 70s; Liz Perez Federico
Emerald Isle (4th & 51st-52nd) next to firehouse (Yankee Diner was on the other side of the fire house; Tom Donnelly; Diane Aitkens; Linda Puleo-Kaufmann; John Dunne emailed me: The Emerald Isle was owned by my father, Jack Donne. It was the only bar located directly next to a firehouse, which was Engine 201.
Empty Pockets (8th & 54th corner) Helena Fabs;
Evergreen Bar & Grill (5th & 49th middle of block) Bunny Mathey; Lillian Ledahl my aunt used to be the barmaid & Irvin was the owner; Carol Gregorio; Linda Krekey has picture; Avelino Jr Herrera; Russ Cooper it was a real small bar, not a lot of room between the bar stools & the wall;
Fallon's Doris Panessidi
Faato"s Bar & Grill (3923 3rdAve)
Feltzmanns (39th & 4th ne corner) Linda Krekey picture 1950s
Ferris's (6th & 58th) Barney Cassidy
Flannery's (5th & 39th) Joseph Militano this is where the donut shop on the ne corner is now; Christina Lanes I bet that is where Keatings was in the 50s;
Flannery's (8th & 47th) Lisa Harris; Anthony DeRubbio; UJ Hamill's Uncle Jim's; Karen Karlsen;
Flo Lubin's (113 42nd St)
Fritz (8th & 51st) Rachel Tjornhom Barrett; Tina Ruiz; Steven O'Laughlin;
Furlong's (5th) Emily Flynn
Garden Bar & Grill (5th & 23rd) Linda Krekey picture;
Gay Ninety's (6th & 54th) Stevie Baran and it became Romie's Lounge;
Grants (5th & 46th) Antoinette Serrano;
Green Isle (5th & 57th) Emily Flynn; Melanie Kane; Neil Heaney the best after hours
Greenwood Tavern (715 5th Ave 22nd St)
Harmony Bar & Grill (8th & 46th) Karen Karlsen
Harper's (8th & 62nd) Sharon Cesario;
Harry's (8th & 58th) Fionnula Rutherford; Linda Krekey photo next to Olsen's Bakery; John Davis;
Hart's Bar (8th & 51st) Karl Brown
Hatillo Social Club Bar (4th & 54th) Denise Toro;
Hayes Bar (7th & 47) Anthony DeRubbio; open right next to Sparky's for awhile; Benny Lombardo picture;
Henry's Tavern (6011 5th Ave)
Hilltop (8th & 45th) Karen Karlsen; James Buckenberger; Terri Donnelly;
Hussey's (8th & 53rd-54th) Diane Aitkens; Anthony DeRubbio; Tina Ruiz; John Graham; Tom Mare; John Davis;
Ingo Anthony DeRubbio
Irish Bar (5th & 62nd) Azucena Soto
Irish Haven (4th & 58th) Emily Flynn; George Skelly; Anthony DeRubbio; John Graham; Linda Krekey picture;
Jim Blake's (7th & 59th-60th) Louis Cantone knew location; Michele Lardou knew name
Joseph Fitzgerald (369 36th St)
Joseph Larken (5502 2nd Ave)
Joseph McGough (4361 4th Ave)
Johnson's (5th & 43rd) Patricia Curran; Benny Lombardo;
Johnson's (5th & 46th-47th) Thomas Campbell; Antoinette Serrano fun times;
Kean's Bar (4616 5th Ave)
Kearn's Bar & Grill (4719 5th Ave)
Keatings (5th & 39th) Christina Lanes dad took her there, she had to stay in the back.
Lacari's (5th & 58th corner) Maureen Catherine
La Sandra (5th & 46th) Carol Gregorioin the 70s; Benny Lombardo this was formerly the Ritz;
Lenahans Emily Flynn
Leonard's Silver Tavern (4401 5th Ave)
Lief, the Christine Clark
Lighthouse (8th & 45th) Terri Donnelly; Tom Lyons said: I frequented many of these establishments over the span of 5 decades!!! My dad owned the Lighthouse on 8th & 45th for a few years in the late 50's.
Lilly's Tavern (4809 5th Ave)
Lucky Joes (5th & 41st) Florence Grace Berg
M & M's (6th & 58th 5802) Ann McPartland; Barney Cassidy; Maureen Catherine; Linda Krekey has picture; Tommy Smith; Sharon Cesario;
Macintosh's Emily Flynn
Malenowski Bar (789 3rd Ave)
Malloy's (5th) Anthony DeRubbio; Gail Hernandez;
Mannion's Emily Flynn
Mannix's (7th & 57th) Anthony DeRubbio; Fionnula Rutherford; Stevie Baran; Sharon Cesario;
Manny's (5th & 44th) Carol Gregorio;
Marine Bar (718 3rd Ave near 22nd St) Anthony DeRubbio
Marty Q's (5th & 55th) Gloria Anne Shea
Mary's Place (4th & 48th-49th) you went down a few steps to get in; Patricia Curran
Match Box (8th & 60th) Louis Cantone; Sharon Cesario;
McGetrick & Quinn (5th @ 4406) became Pat's Pub; Linda Krekey; McGetrick & Quinn were partners. Older gentlemen who were very nice. I can still see their faces in my mind; My family lived over the bar from about 1962 till 1977 and it really was like a family atmosphere. It catered to an older crowd who stopped in for a visit and a few drinks. Occasionally I'd hear the loud drunks through the floor on the weekends but it wasn't often. My Dad would bartender there if they were stuck now and then; Margaret Tollefsen Andersen's grandfather's favorite place.
McGrath's Tavern (616 3rd Ave 18th St)
Molloy's (5th & 61st) Emily Flynn; Sharon Cesario;
Mom's (2nd & 37th) John Graham the owner Mike & his mom were great people I hung with his nephews there, we had a softball team Mikey was a big guy; Carol Gregorio hung out with all my friends, nobody bothered you there. I remember the oldest son Tony, he passed pretty young but one of the borthers - Jimmy was the bartender when we were there, a good time was had by all, loved hanging out there;
Montie's Tina Ruiz this bar later became Bottoms Up; John Davis;
Moose Head (7th & 55th corner) Edward Fernanez Sr.; Melanie Kane went to their Christmas party each year
Muldowney & Murray (5th & 58th) Maureen Galasso's dad's favorite on a Sunday afternoon. He would take her with him but she had to sit in the back, only men were allowed up front. His friends would buy her cokes.
Mullaney's (5th & 58th) Anne Costello
My Place (3rd & 61st) Rosita Delgado We loved that place; Blanca Iris Montijo;
Napper Tandy (4th East side - 61st to 62nd) replaced Sally O's; mjmurphy32
Night Cap (8th & 53rd) Steven O'Laughlin; Johnny Principe it became Biblo Baggins;
Night Cap, the (56th-57th) Teresa Santiago
Norse Bar (981 3rd Ave)
North Star (4th-5th & 54th) George Barreto; many temptations before you get to church;
O'Gara's Tavern (4806 4th Ave)
O'Keefe & Carey (6201 5th Ave)
Old Homestead (5th & 39th corner ne) now a donut shop this was in 1935;
Our Place (53rd) George Barreto; Rosita Delgado;
Owens Linda Puleo-Kaufmann;
Owl, the (4th & 58th-59th) Emily Flynn; Linda Krekey picture 1968;
Panama Emily Flynn
Park Gate Tavern (5th & 44th SE) Linda Krekey 2 photographs; across from the park in the 60s & 70s
Pat's Pub (5th & 44th) Claire Gregg
Patsy Lento's (4502 3rd Ave)
Pelican Bar, Grill & Restaurant (6120 3rd Ave) Linda Krekey has picture 1959
Pops Bar (5th & 58th) Gloria Anne Shea
Poseidon Bar (4th & 57th) where the clinic is today Luis Inca Ramos
PSP Central Bar & Grill (5623 1st Ave)
Rainbow Cafe (5th & 39th) Florence Grace Berg; Christina Lanes; Emily Flynn; Michelle Acosta-Perez; Linnylin Taylor; Diane
Militano; Sammy Chuwin Castro; Linda Krekey picture; Barbara Ann Murray we had my great grandma's 100th birthday there; William Martinez;
Rainbow Tavern (6019 4th) Linda Krekey picture; Melanie Kane I had my communion party there; Denise Pargas Errico I lived two doors down over the deli. I remember my sister and I taking Irish dancing classes in the early 60s in a studio over the bar; mjmurphy32 says: this was replaced by Sally O'Brien's. Two Different bars with similar names one block away from each other. Was confusing for angry parents who wanted to complain about some under age drinking as well
Red Barn, the (4th & 53rd) Rosita Delgado Bonnie & her husband Jack were the owners. We had dart tournaments. Great place; Tina Ruiz gave name
Red Plum, the George Barreto;
Regent Linda Puleo-Kaufmann;
Reilly's Emily Flynn
Rishmer's Bar (3901 3rd Ave)
Ritz (5th & 46th nw corner) Thomas Campbell; Linda Krekey picture; Benny Lombardo reopened at La Sandras. Me and my cuz Charlie would play pool in the back room; June Cressy; Carol Gregorio I worked there for awhile, I just had to walk up the block to go home. It was fun for awhile;
Rose Maries (5th & 48th) Richard D. Haught; John Graham;
Sally (4th & 59th) Lisa Ballenger
Sally O's (4th East side - 61st to 62nd) replaced Stein House & Sally O's replaced by Napper Tandy; mjmurphy32
Sally O'Brien's (4th & 60th-61st 6019) replaced Rainbow Tavern; mjmurphy32
Shea's Emily Flynn
Smallings (5th & 46th) Christina Lanes maybe next to barber shop with pole;
Snook Inn (5th & 57th) GiGi Pender Artz; Edward Fernandez Sr.; Anthony DeRubbio;
Soccer Tavern (8th & 60th) Anthony DeRubbio; Sharon Cesario;
Sparky's (7th & 46th-47th) Susan Elizabeth Heusel's aunt's sister (Gloria nee Lindquist) & brother in law (Andy Gibson) owned it; Bunny Matheny gave location; Donna Duminski's dad & aunt worked as bartenders as side jobs there; lived around the corner; Sherry Lee Costello; oh the stories; James Buckenberger; Anthony DeRubbio Gloria a classy broad! Not politicly correct these days, but she would have taken it as a compliment! it was a beauty salon before the bar; John Graham; Ralph Torres I remember sitting at the bar at 16 years old, the bartender was so old he believed we were of age and served us; Joey Granata I used to tend bar here; James Ward;
Squires (5th) Anthony DeRubbio
Stitches (2nd & 56th) Gladys M. Toledo; Rosita Delgado We use to go with everyone from work on Fridays;
Stein House (4th East side - 61st to 62nd) Emily Flynn; Replaced by Sally O's mjmurphy32
Stone House (5th & 54th) Robert Rodriguez; Lillian Ledahl; Linda Puleo-Kaufmann;
Sullivan's Bar & Grill (6116 4th Ave)
Sunset Bar & Restaurant (5619 1st Ave)
Sweeny's (5th & 62nd) William Martinez There's still three bars left one on 60th n 8th, then sweeny's on 62 n 5th. And 58th n 4th. I still go to all three. I remember there was a bar or two on every block from 63 to 39th On 5th avenue. The Irish could drink. Good day.;
Swift's (5505 5th Ave) June Cressy; 7 bars between 54th & 57th on 5th. 7 churches within same blocks on 4th; She can still hear the sound of skulls hitting the sidewalk during a bar fight taken outside. In the days before AC you could hear everything in the summer.
Take Ten (4th & 51st) Patricia Curran's dad tending bar there in 60's;
Terry's (8th & 57) Lillian Ledahl; John Graham bartender was Jimmy;
Tollgate (8th & 39th) George Skelly; Donna Bannard; John Graham; Joseph Militano; Terri Donnelly went there all the time;
Tony's Tavern (716 3rd near 23rd St)
Townhouse (4th @ 6114) Emily Flynn; George Barreto; plus two others; Sunset had so many bars that anyone could be drunk after a little walk; Tara Oliver-Justiniano's grandfather owned it. Family owned many bars in Bay Ridge also; Gloria Anne Shea photograph;
Vanity Fair George Barreto;
VFW Anthony DeRubbio
Waterfront Bar, Grill & Restaurat (667 3rd Ave near 20th St)
Windmill (4th & 35th) Joseph Militano Can you tell I had a drinking problem in the early 80s lol;
Wonder Bar, Grill & Restaurant (821 3rd Ave)
Woodsie's (5th & 62nd) Emily Flynn; Thomas Campbell; Anthony DeRubbio; Gail Hernandez;
Locations without names
(2nd & 52nd) Amador Rivera Jr.;
(3rd & 50th) Avelino Jr Herrera; Amador Rivera Jr there were two bars opposite each other around the 60s;
(3rd & 53rd) Amador Rivera Jr.;
(3rd & 58th) Nidia Castro; 1960's
(4th & 48th corner) Linda Costagliola my mom's friend's son was killed outside the bar in either the late 60's or early 70s; Russ Cooper
(4th & 58th-59th) 2 more bars; George Barreto
(5th & 38th) Linda Krekey has picture;
(5th & 39th) Karen Karlsen;
(5th & 44th odd side) Judy Muscarella on the corner was a Tavern? It had a facade of kind of a mock painted log cabin effect. We used to be able to touch the wires to the neon lights in the window and get a little buzzy\ shocky feeling in our fingers. Never tried it while standing in a puddle though, might not be here to tell it
(5th & 47th-48th) Anthony DeRubbio; Bunny Matheny; Sissel Ulland Hansen picture;
(5th & 48th corner se) Liz Perez Federico picture;
(5th & 57th) GiGi Pender Artz back in the 60s
(5th & 58th) Ann McPartland; Sonny Lacari owned the corner bar
(5th & 61st) Gail Hernandez
(7th & 46th-47th) Linda Krekey photograph;
(7th & 50th) Carlos Fernandez
(7th & 52nd) James Buckenberger
(7th & 62nd) Linda Krekey has picture;
(8th & 48th) Paula McCormack; Linda Krekey picture 4821 8th Ave;
(8th & mid 50s) Russ Cooper a nautical theme bar with thick ropes on the wall and maybe an anchor;